No Returns or Exchange
Due to the high cost of shipping and customs/taxes, we do not accept returns except where concerns of authenticity have been raised. Please look at all the photographs and descriptions carefully and ask all questions before deciding to purchase our products.
Authenticity Guarantee
Authenticity is our top priority. Replica Luxury Bag does not accept fake, replica or counterfeit merchandise. When you invest in a luxury pre-owned designer piece from our company, we want you to wear it with confidence. The money back guarantee process is as follows: 1. choose a reputable authentication service - please first verify with us that they are on our trusted list. You will have to pay for their service. 2. forward to us the authenticator's written declaration that the item is non-authentic, then we will reimburse you for the authentication fee and supply you with a shipping label to send the item back to us. Once we receive the item we will refund the full value of your purchase. Rest assured, the item will not be resold and will instead be used as an educational reference for our authentication team.